Podcast - Mindy Joy Ministries
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Revive Your Soul with Mindy Joy

This is my very interesting podcast. I say interesting because I deal with encouraging you on topics I don’t hear many people talking about; such as having to start life all over again whether due to coming out of addictions, regretful choices, etc. I also refer a lot to overcoming eating disorders from binge eating to anorexia, parenting special needs children, and building self-esteem. I want to also speak life to those who are cutters, incarcerated and living double lives — drinkers, cheaters, addicts at night — rich and famous by day. In conclusion, I unpack LIFE issues through reading the Word of God, prayer and seeking hands on solutions.

I find answers and wisdom and healing from the sacred ancient text — The Bible.
Mindy Glaser


Praising God privately from your heart

Praising God privately from your heart

Video Thumbnail: Don't do it afraid, do it anointed!

Don’t do it afraid, do it anointed!

How do u know if that man is your mate

How do u know if that man is your mate?

The Rejection Boomerang

The Rejection Boomerang

Being Joyful with Attitude

Being Joyful with Attitude

That feeling of being Disconnect from others and my solution - thumbnail

That feeling of being “Disconnect” from others and my solution.

To all the Beautiful Caretakers Part 2 Falling into Obscurity - thumbnail

To all the Beautiful Caretakers Part 2 Falling into “Obscurity”

The Beauty of Reconciliation – No one is insignificant

The Beauty of Reconciliation – No one is insignificant

A Biblical Therapy Routine and Accountability

A Biblical Therapy Routine and Accountability

Bible for Food - Abstinence from eating disorders

Bible for Food” Abstinence from eating disorders

A word of encouragement to all caretakers

A Word of Encouragement to All Caretakers

Let’s be in the spirit like never before in 2024

Let’s be in the spirit like never before in 2024!

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Where does your joy come from?

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Day in the life of sobriety — Keep on!

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Fear is the enemy of Success

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Mindy Testimony Nesting Place 6 11 23


Brave Christian Woman saves Jewish little girl from Nazis! Amazing TRUE story!

Life changing influencers
Life changing influencers

Before you put the needle in your arm…

Jews Who Have Accepted Their Messiah - Part 1 thumbnail

Jews Who Have Accepted Their Messiah – Part 1 (Ignite the World Ministries)

Jews Who Have Accepted Their Messiah - Part 2 thumbnail

Jews Who Have Accepted Their Messiah – Part 2 (Ignite The World Ministries )

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